Textos eroticos

 (uns em português e outros em inglês)

 Erotic texts 

(some in portuguese and others in english)

Textos eroticos em inglês / Erotic texts in english

With the heat of the summer i search for you, until i can find you.

As i Look at you and you look at me, you blush.

your sexy reddish face arouses me, your shy looks as if you're thinking of your secret desires. Those desires you feel unable to share.

Your desirable forms, makes starting feeling water in my mouth.

just the thought of the possibility savouring your bare naked flesh.

your gaze to my eyes makes you wet inside, feeling aroused of the thouht of my tongue sliding on you.

As my lips and tongue start exploring your corners, you start dripping with pleasure.

i start eating you and savouring your flavours, you get redder and hoter.

your fast silent breath as i eat you makes my heart pound of excitment.

As you feel me going to your juicy parts, you vibrate even more, letting out screams of pleasure.

the feelling on being almost in the end makes you think, how would be a next time, how would you express your silent desires.

I love the way you nourish me my juicy and sweet.

Slice of Watermelon

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